Friday, May 31, 2013

Leave A Mark - See Yourself in the Parable

German theologian Helmut Thielke says that we cannot comprehend the parables of Jesus until we see ourselves in the story. Like a small child recognizing himself in the mirror for the very first time, when we see ourselves represented in the story, we finally get it. 

Once we see ourselves in the story, the story takes on a whole new meaning, and then we understand. 

In Mark 4 we have discovered that the sower sowed the seed, but only 25% of the field was productive. The sower was the same, the seed was the same but the variable was the condition of the soil. The other variable in the parable is the strategy of satan make sure that the seed does not produce a harvest in the soil of our life.  

So let me suggest 3 ways to resist satan's efforts to defeat the Word of God as you hear it.

1. Prepare the Soil of Your Heart
Verse 20 says that good soil is the key to a fruitful hearing of the Word. Devote some time Saturday night and Sunday morning to prepare your heart for hearing the Word of God at Sunday Worship Celebrations. If we formed the habit of conscientiously preparing our hearts for hearing God's Word, we just might hear what the Lord is speaking with such power that amazing changes would come into our lives. 

2. Listen Actively
Focusing your attention on the Word of God is a constant challenge. Remember the Word is not just in the sermon, but the songs, prayer, and words given. Go hard after God. Don't coast in worship. Again and again Jesus said, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Strive to have those ears and not to be among those who "hearing do not hear and seeing do not see."

3. Hear and Obey
Verse 20 says, "But those that were sown upon the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold." We must listen actively but we also must obey the message heard. Set your mind to be open to the Word of God, even if it is new or challenging. Have a receptive attitude, not a resistant one. Love the Word of God. Snatch up the Word of God as precious pearls. 

At TFH, let's be prepared soil; deeply plowed, free of thorns, free of rocks, and moist from the rains of the Spirit. As we receive the power-packed seed of the Word of God, this church will overflow with growth—thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and a hundredfold!

Let us be a fruitful people by His Word.

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