In an earlier century, a large boulder laid in the middle of the
roadway. Traveler after traveler walked past the boulder, veering off
the side of the road to get around it.
All the while, they were shaking
their head and muttering, "Can you believe that? Someone should get that
big thing out of the way. What an inconvenience!"
Finally, a man came
along and, seeing the boulder, took a branch from a tree and pried the
boulder enough to get it rolling and rolled it off to the side of the
road. Lying underneath the rock, he found a small bag with a note. The
man picked up the note and read it.
It read as follows: "Thank you for
being a true servant of the kingdom. Many have passed this way and
complained because of the state of the problem and spoke of what ought
to be done. But you have taken the responsibility upon yourself to serve
the kingdom instead. You are the type of citizen we need more of in
this kingdom. Please accept this bag of gold that traveler after
traveler walked by simply because they didn’t care enough about the
kingdom to serve."
I wonder what “bags of gold” we miss out on,
simply because we don’t bother to get involved in serving the Kingdom of God.
Where can you Leave a Mark today by serving the Kingdom of God?
Ask God to show you one thing you can do today.
What a great story!