Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Leave A Mark - Kingdom of God

"The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel." 
Mark 1:15

Jesus' message concerned the Kingdom of God. We find that phrase 14 times in Mark's Gospel and over 100 times in all four Gospels. The Kingdom of God is here is evident in His first recorded message and in His last messages according to Acts 1:3.

Jesus' parables were parables of the Kingdom. What did Jesus mean by Kingdom of God?

At the time of Jesus, the idea of the Kingdom was common in Jewish thinking. Scholars looked forward to a new age of peace and material well being when Israel would be free from the oppression of Rome. The phrase had taken on a political tone. But Jesus' presentation of the Kingdom was different.

Firstly, for Jesus, the Kingdom was not national but personal. It was about God's rule in a person's heart. It was not a territory to be found on a map, but God's reign as King in an individual's life.

Secondly, the Kingdom was not material, but spiritual.  It is not a place of earthly prosperity, but spiritual blessings.

Thirdly, for Jesus, the Kingdom was not only future, but also here and now. With the coming of Jesus, God's rule among men had begun. The day the prophets had dreamed of had arrived. The Kingdom was here because Jesus was here.

How do we enter the Kingdom of God?  Repent and believe! 

NEXT STEP: As you are reading through Mark, underline every time you see "Kingdom of God".

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