Thursday, January 09, 2014

What has Father been saying to you during these first 5 days? What scripture has He highlighted for you? I really have enjoyed reading your comments at the bottom of this blog, they have been very encouraging.

Maybe you are thinking all I am hearing right now is my stomach growling - saying “feed me, feed me” or as I heard someone today yell, “I need a cheeseburger.”

Hang in there, turn that hunger toward a hunger to know Jesus better. At times like this we learn just how much our bodies try to dictate to us.

I promise you, as you continue on this journey, you WILL hear His voice with a reawakened awareness. I would recommend that you use a personal journal which will help you capture and record all the incredible things God is speaking into your life.

A great, simple way to journal your devotional time is to use the SOAP method. (Wayne Cordeiro has some great material about this in his book, Divine Mentor. Look to the banner at the right to order.

SOAP stands for:

It works like this:
S for Scripture. 
Read prayerfully. Take notice of which scripture(s) catches your attention and circle it in your Bible. When you’re done, reread the verse you circled and rewrite it in your journal.

O for Observation
Focus on that scripture, then tune in and listen to what God is saying to you through His Word. What is it about this verse that especially stands out? What does God want to reveal to you or teach you? Ask the Holy Spirit to be your guide and show you what God is saying.

A for Application
Think of how this verse applies to your life right now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, revelation of a new promise, or correction for a particular area of your life. Use your journal to write how this verse applies to you today.

P for Prayer.  
Wrap up your time in prayer. Talk to God about what you have just read. This can be as simple as thanking him for revealing a truth from the scripture, or it may be asking Him for greater insight or how to apply this to your life. Remember prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue.

This is the method I use daily, it’s as simple or deep as you want it to be. But you are able to record and cherish what God is saying to you. Many times I re-read the insights in my journal to bring encouragement by remembering His Words.

You are doing great! I know God is sharing things with you because His word tells us if we abide in Him and He abides in us, we can ask anything and it will be done according to His will.

Blessings on you!

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