Congratulations, you are over half-way finished with your 21 Day Fast! This is day 11 of your journey. Maybe you have found it a challenging but rewarding time, or perhaps you have a bit of guilt because you were not as disciplined and focused as you wanted to be. Either way, you have invested time, effort, discipline, and prayer into the last 11 days. Now is not a time to settle back and get discouraged, but it's a time to dig in with a greater intensity of commitment to the goals you set at the start of this journey.
You are entering the "half-way danger zone". Everyone knows that when a project gets half way completed it is easy to slack off and glide, thereby sabotaging the project. There's the diet you were on to lose 20 pounds and at the loss of 11 you began to reward yourself with few extra calories and before you knew it you gained the other back. Or there is that project to clean out the garage that has been closing in on your car. You began and got half-way through and got discouraged because there was so much more to do. So you decided that half-way, after all, is better than what it was.
Nehemiah faced this "danger zone" as he was leading the project to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. The story is found in Nehemiah 4. When the wall was half way completed the people became discouraged because there was so much yet to be done and the enemy was trying to create confusion with their words. But Nehemiah re-focused the team to be on guard against the enemy's defeating words and to finish what they had started with the help of God. They not only finished but finished in recording breaking time.
Take time today to recommit to finishing strong! I believe your sensitivity to the things of God will become greater in these last few days. You will be amazed at how clearly you hear the direction of Your Master. Together, we'll complete this spiritual challenge.
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