Saturday, January 28, 2012


DAY 20!!!!!! Can you believe it!! We’re almost there… congratulations!!  I am so thankful to have joined with you on this 21 Day Journey. I want to encourage you today to stay focused on finishing strong and remaining strong for 2012. 

This fast is not a religious event that we “check off – done”, it is a seed sown for a harvest during the rest of the year!
I love the encouragement that Paul writes about in
Galatians 6:9 (MSG)
"So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit."
Fasting is not a tool for manipulating God to doing what you want when you want. If you view it that way and “It” doesn’t occur at your appointed time, you might give up and miss what God planned for you.

To get a harvest, there has to be a time of sowing. Don’t get fatigued in the season of sowing, miracles and breakthrough happen by your persistent sowing.

You reap what you sow. The Bible says that whatever your hands find to DO, DO it solely as unto God. I simply want to encourage everyone to continue serving the Lord, and to stay strong in your fast until the very end.  

God rewards those who diligently seek Him. To seek something requires action.
During these past 20 days you have been sowing some incredible seeds of faith and prayer. It will be at the RIGHT TIME that your GOOD crop will come in, but the key is to remember that God’s time is always the right time.  

Don’t be discouraged if prayers aren’t answered when you think they should be. You must trust that God has everything under control and that He will release the good crop when it is time. Don’t allow yourself to get fatigued and tired while waiting for the answer.

I believe many answers will be experienced Sunday during  our time of breaking bread together – don’t miss it, prepare for it, and EXPECT great things from God!

Anticipating a harvest!

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