They happen! I'm talking about those super tough days when you have received bad news and you are already exhausted and you want to say nothing, do nothing, think nothing and you just want to get away from it all.
Mark records in his gospel a time when Jesus had a day like that. He just received devastating, shocking, heart breaking news of the execution of his special friend, John the Baptist. But Jesus didn't give up or throw in the towel out of fear that He would be the next one killed, there was more life to live, needs to meet and a God to serve.
So what did Jesus do? He told His disciples, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. 32 So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves. Mark 6:31-32
We can get so pressed with helping others that we can hardly take a relaxing moment. Even though it is difficult to find a place to withdraw, it is essential. Mark records a phrase that is important for us to hear, "by themselves".
Before Jesus and the disciples got to that place, the crowds had gone ahead of them and were waiting for them. So what was intended to be a time of R&R ended up time when people were bringing their needs to Jesus. They were totally indifferent to the grieving time for Jesus and His disciples, they were trying to position themselves to get from Jesus.
Mark is the only gospel writer who tells us how Jesus saw them on that day. He didn't see them as uncaring but as "sheep without a shepherd"and He was their shepherd (Mark 6:34). He was willing to be discomforted for the comfort of others.
Those people who crowded Jesus at an inconvenient time needed something for their hearts and, eventually, something for their stomachs. So Jesus taught them and then decided to feed them.
Mark paints the picture of the ultimate One who came to serve and give His life.
How are you living beyond the comfort zone?
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