Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Glorify God in Your Body

At TFH we are participating in a  21 Day Challenge to Glorify God in our Body - by eating healthier and exercising. No one can do this for you, its your choice.  Many of us have a gap between our belief and our behaviors. We know what is right, but we don't do it. this Challenge is not an issue of heaven or hell but has to do with this:
  • Will you be able to complete the mission God has on your life?
  • Will you be here to impart to your family? 
Think about it like this, just as the tithe belongs to God so does our body. There are many correlations of presenting our finances and giving our body to God. When we talk about giving the tithe and offering we are focusing on giving to give not giving to get

If we are honest, most of our dieting is like "giving to get". The reason we have gone on a diet is to look better, or to fit into a smaller size, not really to present our body to God for His Glory - that is like giving to get. But when we do present our tithe/offering for the right reason, there is a blessing from God on that act of obedience.  And when we eat healthy and exercise for the right reason, it does help weight and appearance. But our goal for this 21 Day Challenge is to Glorify God in our Body.

Start your journey with small steps and those small steps will lead to a new lifestyle. A path to new life. Take time to read the following verses and write down what you feel the Holy Spirit is saying to you from the appropriate verses.

1. Our bodies belong to God.
    1 Corinthians 6:12–20

2. Give your body to God.
     Romans 12:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; 1 Corinthians 7:4; 1 Corinthians 9:24–27

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Thank you pastor Terry for this blog to help with the 21 days. I was thinking the other day that it's true, we do these things to lose weight a lot of times. I've been so busy lately and eating all the wrong foods that this was going to be my start to mainly trim down. Thank you for the reminder that it's about God and love for us. This is a time that i can show God that I love him by honoring and reapecting what he has given me.

    Thank you pastor terry :)

    In Christ,
    Lynn King
